"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." ~ Charles Darwin
We are constantly reinventing, re-imagining and recreating ourself. Our business is an Opportunity Magnet with an engine of pure Innovation — which stays well ahead of our competition. THINK: Yes or No?
Change Management... Constant Improvement... Imaginative Business Practices... Innovative Business Growth... Innovative Product Development... Innovative Thinking... Invention Management...
Both the short term, as well as long term success of your business is dependent on two huge words: Invention and Innovation.
Whether you call it R & D or Innovation Management, your job is to produce HITS... what marketing people call "want satisfying solutions to people's problems."
Think of this function as the act of pure creation based on your company's values and long term vision.
Your mission sets all the underlying strategies for your success. The first visible element of your mission is how to convert your VISION into products and services people naturally want to buy.
Innovation Management is the second Factor of business success, because once you have set course to pursue your MISSION, you must — for forever and a day — stay just ahead of your customers wants and needs.
Innovation is the key to building a business that stays fresh and relevant to a fickle consumer who is constantly on the hunt for the new and different.
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There are, quite literally, thousands of books written on the importance of continuous innovation, reinvention and change management. Most resources are designed to help you gain inspiration and prepare you for the act of pure creation.
"The best way to predict the future is to create it." ~ Peter Drucker
Creativity is often defined as the ability to bring into existence something new or different. Creativity is the basis for "disruptive innovation and continuous re-invention." Doing this well requires bold, breakthrough thinking to upset the status quo... even if it is successful.
Leaders in highly innovative companies are comfortable with and committed to ongoing experimentation that leads to "Creative Destruction" because they know that this is where future revenue opportunities and the potential for growth resides.
The idea behind Creative Destruction is to look at your business from a "hot, new NEXT" perspective where you measure innovation and invention by the percentage of sales that come from products or services that didn't even exist 3-5 years ago. Some business, such as high tech, have to "creatively destroy" their businesses every 18-30 months just to stay relevant. This means that some 95% of their revenue today, comes from products that didn't even exist 24 months earlier!
How fast you get rid of aging products/services, and replace them with the NEXT, is the ultimate standard for long term success. The fact is, unless YOU deliver what your customer wants, your fiercest competitor will.
Innovative leaders are those who steer clear of the status quo bias — the tendency to prefer an existing state of affairs to alternative ones. Embracing a mission for change makes it much easier to take risks and make mistakes by controlling the internal reinventing process in 5 key areas: Associating groups of different ideas together to form new ideas... Questioning... Observing... Experimenting... and Networking with others of vastly different backgrounds.
It is important to remember that change is always occurring and that management frequently gets complacent and blindsided to both competition and opportunity when it becomes fixated on maintaining status quo, business as usual thinking.
This function of business success used to be called Research and Development under old management systems — and was frequently delegated to a specific department to go find/develop new products or services.
Today, the most successful companies recognize that every leader, manager and team member is responsible for observing what the customer wants (usually before the customer even knows it) and delivering on those needs — creating hit after hit (think Apple) or engaging the customer with WOW services (Amazon, Starbucks or eBay) that redefine the competitive landscape.
"If you have the same ideas as everybody else but have them one week earlier than everyone else then you will be hailed as a visionary. But if you have them five years earlier you will be named a lunatic." ~ Barry Jones
Excellence At This Function Means You Can Say...
This Golden Function is composed of the following sub-functions and actions — things which must be done to guarantee your success.
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