A Gold Standard Company...

A Gold Standard Company...

"The leader seeks to communicate his vision to his followers. He captures their attention with his optimistic intuition of possible solutions to their needs. He influences them by the dynamism of his faith. He demonstrates confidence that the challenge can be met, the need resolved, the crisis overcome." ~ Sir/Dr. John Edmund Haggai


Leading a Revolution in Actionable Intelligence™...

Because the world can no longer afford status quo, business as usual thinking.

ThinkTQ, Inc., a Colorado Corporation, is a leading publisher of AI-driven software for producing immediately smarter RESULTS — branded as TQ/Ai Actionable Intelligence™ — and developer of the MyBizIQ and MyQuickStrat series of smarter business applications.

We are in the business of systematically MEASURING, EVALUATING, and IMPROVING your PRODUCTIVITY, EFFICIENCY, and EFFECTIVENESS. Our promise: give us a day and you will produce results beyond expectations for the rest of your life.
With over 30 years of experience, TQ/Ai™ is the premier resource for business owners, executives, and leaders who are challenged to produce MORE... FASTER... and with FEWER resources.

TQ/Ai™ is the highest VALUE, lowest COST solution for IMMEDIATELY greater RESULTS — the fastest and easiest way to systematically higher achievement — personally and professionally.


A Global Mission...

There are roughly 415 Million businesses globally... approximately 33 million businesses in the United States with 550,000 NEW businesses started each year... all begun with the premise of achieving some level of entrepreneurial greatness by swiftly pursuing an incredible new opportunity. The objective, of course, is true financial freedom/wealth... power... a lush lifestyle... or a tremendous income — the cash flow to do what you want, when you want, with whomever you want... and never worry about money.

That, of course is the big DREAM.

However, the sad REALITY is that of all the new businesses started this year, some 44% will be out of business just three years out. Almost 70% will be dead in the water long before their 10th anniversary*.

Click Here for PDF Chart...

While the REASONS are numerous, the undeniable fact is a huge number of businesses started 3-5 years ago no long exist.

We believe business needlessly fail for all the wrong reasons... and in a large number of cases... the problems are EASILY solved. From our point of view, every business has an opportunity for MAXIMUM success — IF, and this is the BIG IF — the business leader (YOU) discovers what's holding your business back... and quickly eliminates it.

Ultimately, our MISSION — the big WHY behind our existance — is to make management IMMEDIATELY SMARTER about their businesses... reducing the small business failure rate... and increasing the survival rate by a full 25% over the next two years... thereby raising the domestic and global GDP by a full 5%. Our GOAL is to add back a Trillion Dollars to the world economy in the next two years by giving businesses just like yours the greatest stimulus ever conceived: An 80 point increase in their working intelligence. Starting first with YOU.


By giving you the tools, technology, people, experts and systems to quickly identify, isolate and pinpoint the exact forces holding you back from building a highly successful business.

No question, once you can SEE what you need to do differently you can take smarter actions to move your business along the continuum to true and lasting success. If you never SEE what's standing between you and the success you desire, you will never take the actions required to circumnavigate it... waste a lot of time and money running in circles... and ultimately suffer the fate of so many who start with great intentions but finish burned out, stressed out and flat out of business.

Experience, Dedication, Business Savvy, Street Smarts and Passion.

We believe that if we help you become more productive — personally and professionally — we can make the world a better place. So, every time YOU become more productive, the WORLD directly benefits. Think about it.

Do you have the business intelligence
to grow another Apple orchard with a brand value greater than any other company on Earth?

Take The Test