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Articles, Reviews and Resources

Essential Ideas for Business Success...

Articles, Reviews and Resources

Essential Ideas for Business Success...

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." ~ Thomas A. Edison

Turning Your Business Into a Gold Mine...

To give you highly condensed information on business success right now, we have included links to major "Idea Superchargers" and key chapters in The Golden Game of Business Success: Playing to WIN.

    Idea Superchargers...

  • Steve Jobs on the power of VALUES in MARKETING. Video Only Click Here...
  • E. R. Haas's business primer "The Power of WHY" and how to discover the inner drive to put your success into overdrive. Long Story Short: Click Here...
  • TED Talk on the power of KNOWING YOUR WHY: How great leaders inspire action. If you are serious about becoming a true business success, take out pen and pad and watch this lecture at least once a month for the next 2 years. Click Here...
  • Marketing Myopia: Why do businesses with outstanding potential fail? Because they have no clue what business they are actually in.

    Every major industry was once a growth industry. But some that are now riding a wave of growth enthusiasm are very much in the shadow of decline. Others, which are thought of as seasoned growth industries, have actually stopped growing. In every case the reason growth is threatened, slowed, or stopped is not because the market is saturated. It is because there has been a failure of management. Click Here...

  • Key Chapters...

  • Introduction to Smarter Business. Click Here...
  • Improve Your Business Intelligence Or Else. Click Here...
  • The Golden Game of Business. Click Here...
  • The 3 Golden Rules Of Business. Click Here...
  • Why Businesses Fail. To understand business success and failure in a whole new light, Click Here...
  • Solid Gold Performance: Continuously Smarter Business. To learn what it takes to turn your business into a gold mine, Click Here...

A Fresh New, Functional Approach to Business Success...

In order to guarantee each Member's success, we had to throw out status quo, business as usual thinking, and take a fresh new, functional approach to maximizing your success potential.

The above graphic depicts the essential, business-critical FUNCTIONS that ALL businesses must MASTER to move from an IDEA/VISION... to a STARTUP... to a pillar of entrepreneurial GREATNESS. (Think IBM, Apple, Google, Oracle, Groupon, Zynga, Facebook, Intuit, Dell, etc.)

Shortly, you will be able to drill down into each Function, and get the exact help you need to immediately improve each Function. For now, why not do a quick review of these 10 golden drivers of business excellence.

10 Golden Keys of Business Success:

On the following pages we discuss these Functions in some detail. You will see the cause and effect relationship between each Function and your business development... how each Function drives movement from Stage-1 Sustainability... to Stage-2 Profitability... to Stage-3 Growability... to Stage-4 Greatness.

In very real terms, you might think of these 10 Functions as the 10 Golden Keys that unlock business success. No matter what you call them, these 10 Key Functions must — at some point in a businesses evolution — be optimized if you want to achieve maximum results.

  1. MISSION MANAGEMENT: My business is a Purpose-Driven Machine on a Customer-centric MISSION. It has a crystal-clear VISION for where we are going... and a real PASSION for serving our customers. Click Here Learn More...
  2. INVENTION AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT: We are constantly reinventing, re-imagining and recreating ourself. Our business is an Opportunity Magnet with an engine of pure Innovation — which stays well ahead of our competition. Click Here Learn More...
  3. TALENT MANAGEMENT: Our company is in the business of attracting... retaining... training... and building leadership teams with a single focus: Build a GREAT organization! Click Here Learn More...
  4. MARKETING MANAGEMENT: My company has mastered the art of highly focused MARKET POSITIONING and STRATEGIC DIFFERENTIATION... which makes us a highly desired BRAND in the minds of our customers. Click Here Learn More...
  5. SALES MANAGEMENT: Our ever growing sales force are the best trained, supervised and motivated salespeople on the street which is why our gross sales revenue is consistently expanding. Click Here...
  6. PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT: We are known far and wide for building the highest quality experience into every product and service we offer our customers. Click Here Learn More...
  7. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT: We are highly profitable and enjoy a growing cash flow from operations because we are constantly INCREASING operational efficiency while REDUCING operational costs. Click Here Learn More...
  8. ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT: Our policies, procedures, information technology and legal structure deliver the processes and information we need to maintain and grow our business with the highest level of profit possible. Click Here Learn More...
  9. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: We have extremely tight financial controls, and a financial planning system that tracks every single important aspect of our financial health. Click Here Learn More...
  10. BUSINESS CYCLE MANAGEMENT: We are constantly working our company's Strategic Plan... guiding our business to bigger and more profitable objectives. Due to outstanding Business Cycle Management, we enjoy few economic surprises... and are achieving our Mission. Click Here Learn More...

Soon, you will be able to augment these short Executive Summaries with over 6,000 articles, book reviews and products to help you immediately improve these Key Functions. But for right now, simply review these 10 Chapters from The Golden Game of Business Success: Playing to WIN...