Our most popular program is yours now for just $99.95 — including the ENTIRE 4 BOOK, 18 CD LEADERSHIP PACKAGE at no additional cost!
The MyBizIQ Leadership Package will give you a whole new perspective on exactly what you must do differently to work smarter... compete smarter... and turn your hard work into hot new opportunities.
Because all products are 100% unconditionally guaranteed to work for you, your purchase is 100% risk free.
The simple truth is, every business in the world is under a tremendous amount of STRESS right now. Business conditions are, at best, challenging... at worst, frightening.To help you IMMEDIATELY improve your Business Intelligence, we created the world's first Small Business Stress Test, a test that accurately PREDICTS if you will turn your business into a gold mine, or a money pit that sucks up all your hopes, dreams.
Until now, small to medium sized businesses have not had a way to TEST themselves against a Gold Standard — so they have no clue what to CHANGE... what to MAINTAIN... and exactly what they must do DIFFERENTLY to gain traction and momentum.
Sure, there are lots of fluffy little "qualifying" or "should I go into business-styled tests", but no one, until now, has created a comprehensive, Function-by-Function evaluation of the forces that CAUSE business success... and a true measurement of the dynamics surrounding small Businesses Intelligence.
Your Stress Test measures 24 business-critical stress points, fractures, fissures and gaping holes that can torpedo any chance for long term success. We even give you, FREE, a 37 page custom evaluation of your Business Intelligence, and a proposal for immediate improvement.
In this ultra-competitive, take no prisoners economy, the simplest way to INCREASE your probability of success... and DECREASE the chance that you will FAIL... is to work a Quarter by Quarter Strategic Plan. We have not only automated this business-critical function, but made it push button easy.
A Special Note to the "Solo-Preneurs... Micro-Preneurs... and Start Up's hoping to make it big...
Click book image to INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD The Golden Game of Business Success: Playing to WIN... FREE! You will learn more about business in this 134 page eBook, than in 20 years at the school of hard knocks. Read it on your iPAD... PC... Mac... Nook... Kindle... anything that plays a PDF!
The Golden Game of Business is a PROFESSIONAL sport, played with real money, real people and the hopes and dreams of all your stakeholders. Our advice is simple: PLAY the game to WIN... or don't play at all.
Stack the deck in your favor! Before you spend one more precious minute on writing a business plan, think about taking a fresh new approach and going directly to a Quarter by Quarter Strategic Plan. It's not that a "Business Plan" is worthless... but it is useless as a tool to optimize your 3 Prime Directives: GETTING more new customers... KEEPING existing customer returning... and to MAKING the cash each day necessary to become successful.
There are some 415 Million businesses in the world — 33 Million in the USA alone. Unfortunately, 70% will never see their 10th anniversary... and a staggering 44% will FAIL after just 36 months. Our MISSION is to solve this insidious problem — reducing the small business failure rate 25% worldwide — adding back Trillions of dollars to the global economy.
How? By giving you the tools and technology to instantly boost your Business Intelligence — to out-smart, out-think, out-hustle, out-produce and out-perform the competition at every step — training you to THINK Strategically... ACT Tactically... and EXECUTE Brilliantly. All at the click of a button.
Over the last 15 years, we have SIMPLIFIED the game of business... reducing it down to just 3 Golden Rules, and 10 business-critical Functions that, when you follow them, amplifies your Business Intelligence... your power to turn your hopes and dreams into substantial WEALTH.
We have created "The Golden Grail" of business success: A measurable, sequential, systematic process for INSTANT improvement. We then incorporated this system into an entire series of AFFORDABLE products and services — and made them available to every business on Earth at the click of a button.
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Play to WIN...![]() |
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"Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that." ~ Norman Vincent Peale |
Learn, Have Fun and Make Money...
Play 100 different business games such as The Leadership Game... The Team Work Game... The Cash Flow Game... The Innovation Game... ALL with the purpose of...